Vehicle Manager Component


  1. Frontend management tools Vehicle manager provide wide range on tools for managing Autos from frontend. Add, edit, delete and confirm requests from frontend.
  2. Advanced Search Users can search Autos via advanced search. Large number of search fields allows users to find the most suitable Autos.
  3. Email Notifications Vehicle manager support user and admin email notifications, such us: Rent and Buy Request notifications, New Review, New Suggestion, New Autos notifications.
  4. Google Maps Mark on the Google map Autos location.
  5. Buy and Rent request The Real Estate Software supports rent request with calendar and buy request.
  6. Import / Export data Vehicle Manager allow to import or export data in CSV or XLS files. 7. All Joomla versions in 1 file The Vehicle Manager installation package support all Joomla versions, from 1.5 to 3.x.

Modules and plugins


Vehicle Manager Auto location module

Vehicle Manager Auto location module for Vehicle Manager Software allows to mark the vehicles on Google maps.  It is very useful and popular function in auto dealer websites. The vehicle location module has the following parameters: Google Maps key, zoom level, width of map, height of map, show map type menu, show map controls (Up-Down-Left-Right), yes or no set vehicle category - from what will need show auto on maps, set vehicle IDs - what will need show at map.



Vehicle Manager Search module

Search module for Vehicle Manager Software helps users to find required vehicles. It's very comfy if you have a lot of vehicles in your Vehicle Manager based auto dealer website. Visitors can search vehicles by different parameters: search field; title; address; vehicle type; condition; description; transmission; description; listing type; engine type; fuel type; exterior colors; exterior extras; dashboard options; interior extras; safety options; warranty options; interior colors; listing type; year model; advance search link. 



Vehicles Slide Show module

This module for Vehicle Manager 2.1 shows vehicle photos like scroller or like slide show depending on the settings. There are a lot of settings that allows you to configure Slide Show module for Vehicle manager software.

When Slide Show is like Scroller it shows the most visited vehicles (cars, buses, tracks and another vehicles).

In Vehicle Slide Show you can configure show or not: title, price, description, adres. You can customize different parameters:  sort by, Descripton limit, Title limit, adress limit, slider type. You can adjust Wight, Hight, visible image amount and many other useful settings.


New Vehicle module

New Vehicle module for Vehicle Manager Software. This module displays recently added vehicles in auto dealer website  In this Vehicle manager module you have the following additions and options: Item Count (the number of vehicles to display); description words count (word limit for vehicles description);  show or hide vehicle title; show image; set image height; display either vertical or horizontal.

Random vehicle module for Vehicle Manager Software

Random Vehicle module displays a random selection vehicles from the Vehicle Manager Software in a list with hits. In this module you have the following additions and options: show / hide vehicle photos;  show / hide vehicle price; options for height of vehicle photos; show hits; item count.

Top listing module for Vehicle Manager software

This Vehicle Manager Software module displays top viewed items of vehicle.  You can choose the type and number of vehicle items to display.  This module for Vehicle manager car dealership software has following additions and options: display top by Hits/Date, show vehicle photos, vehicle price, set height for photos, hits, display the number of vehicle items.

Featured module for Vehicle Manager Software

Featured Vehicle module allows to choose special auto from special categories from your auto dealer website, auto catalog, auto collection on vehicle manager component.

Similar module for Vehicle Manager Software

This Vehicle Manager Software module displays similar vehicle items (cars, trucks, buses). With Vehicle Manager car dealership software Similar Module you can change the appearance of the displayed vehicles. In this module you have the following additions and options: set position of displayed items, write the title of vehicles, set the access level, set display the number of vehicles item.

Search plugin for Vehicle Manager Software

Vehicle Manager car dealership software Search plugin allows searching vehicle items (car, truck, bus and other) from vehicle manager directly through the general Joomla based auto dealer website search.

Link-in-content plugin for Vehicle Manager Software

Vehicle Manager link-in-Content Plugin. This plugin for Vehicle Manager car dealership software allows to add link to vehicle items into content website. It shows caption, photo and title.

SEO plugins for Vehicle Manager Software

Sh404SEF plugin. Vehicle SEO plugin based on sh404SEF component  for Vehicle Manager Software  generates SEF URLs, which are useful in SEO.
Xmap plugin. Vehicle Xmap plugin for Vehicle Manager Software allows  add sitemap in your auto dealer website.